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5 Health Upgrades to Make in the New Year

The start of a new year is a great time for change. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start and gives you a chance to level up. 

While we applaud health-focused New Year’s resolutions, sometimes these health goals are too broad or too hard to follow for the long term. That’s why so many people have a hard time sticking to their resolutions.

At East Side Primary Medical Care on the Upper East Side of New York City, our primary care physician, Dr. Daniel Klein specializes in preventive healthcare and wants you to succeed with your “New Year, New You” goals because it can truly change your health. 

But we want you to stick with your goals, so we’re giving you a list of health upgrades you can make in the New Year and follow for life.

1. Get some sleep

When life gets busy, we sacrifice habits that benefit health, like sleep. But not getting enough sleep makes you tired and foggy, and you may have a harder time keeping up with your busy life.

Lack of sleep also affects your physical and emotional well-being and may lead to health problems like high blood pressure or depression.

Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep a night in order for the body to repair itself from the day’s wear and tear and get ready for the next. 

Following a sleep routine is a simple and effective way to upgrade your health. We recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, turning off electronics an hour before bed, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool to get quality rest. 

2. Try new foods

Weight loss is a common New Year’s goal, but many people turn to restrictive diets that are too hard to follow for a long time. Instead of weight, focus on upgrading your nutrition this year, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

Swap out your usual foods with a healthier alternative or another nutritious option a few times a week, such as raspberries instead of apples, brown rice instead of white rice, or salmon instead of pork. Allowing yourself to eat more nutritious foods — as opposed to taking away the less nutritious options — makes eating a more positive and joyful experience. 

3. Add movement into your routine

Are you joining a gym for the New Year? Planned exercise is a great way to upgrade your health, and we hope you stick with it. 

But don’t limit your movement to just the gym. Upgrade your health by finding ways to move more while going about your usual routine. You might take the stairs instead of the elevator, invest in a standing desk, or do crunches and lunges while watching TV. 

Some movement is better than none, and making a few changes to your routine so you're more physically active can benefit your health. 

4. Treat yourself right

It’s hard to escape the stress of life. But if you don’t find ways to manage it, stress can sabotage your health. 

Stress management is really about finding ways to treat yourself better. Taking a break when struggling with an overwhelming work project, spending time with friends that make you laugh, or simply reading a book are self-care techniques that can lower your stress and improve your health.

This year, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Be okay with saying no, taking breaks, and spending time with the people you love. 

5. Schedule your annual physical

The New Year is also a great time to schedule your annual physical. The yearly exam is the best way to stay on top of your health and catch problems before they turn into major health issues. It also gives you a chance to discuss health habits and get support and guidance for your wellness plan.

We provide physical exams for our patients, as well as concierge primary care for patients looking for a little extra help with managing their health. 

Are you ready to upgrade your health for the New Year? We’re ready to help. Call us at 680-206-2794 today or book an appointment online.

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