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5 Major Benefits of Switching to Concierge Medicine

 5 Major Benefits of Switching to Concierge Medicine

Traditional health care can be frustrating. It’s not uncommon for people to wait months for a doctor’s appointment, wait hours in the office waiting room, and only see the doctor for a few minutes.

Doctor’s offices are often overworked, and their patients can be left feeling like their health doesn’t matter. Getting the personalized care you need and deserve isn’t easy, and that’s why concierge medicine clinics take a different approach.

Daniel Klein, MD, and our team at East Side Primary Medical Care operate as a concierge clinic. We see fewer patients and offer longer appointments than traditional clinics, allowing us to provide top-quality health care in the Upper East Side area of Manhattan in New York City.

If you’re tired of fighting the system to get the health care you deserve, it’s time to learn more about the benefits of switching to concierge medicine.

1. Comprehensive annual exams

Everyone needs an annual physical exam. These exams evaluate your current health, monitor existing conditions, and provide key preventive screenings. But all too often, traditional clinic settings may rush these appointments.

Comprehensive annual appointments are a tenet of Dr. Klein’s concierge practice. These appointments go beyond a traditional physical because we tailor your annual exam to you. Our team offers a range of tests and screenings based on your health and medical history. 

After the exam, Dr. Klein reviews your results with you. We partner with you to create a customized wellness plan that’s suited to your needs.

2. Dedicated time with your doctor

As a concierge clinic, we see a limited number of patients each day. We schedule no more than two patients per hour, which gives you ample one-on-one time with the doctor at every appointment.

This schedule creates a more relaxed environment and allows us to focus on every individual’s care. It reduces the time you spend waiting for Dr. Klein, and it gives you quality time with him that never feels rushed.

3. Enhanced appointment availability

Our concierge patients also enjoy increased access to Dr. Klein and our team. You have access to same-day and next-day appointments, as well as a private phone number that’s always answered by one of our care coordinators. Dr. Klein is also available after hours and on weekends for urgent medical needs.

4. Easy access to medical records

These days, it’s more important than ever to have your medical records on hand. We help our concierge patients stay organized with easy-to-access electronic medical records. Plus, our dedicated practice staff is available to answer your questions and help you get the information you need.

5. Convenient health care, wherever you go

Concierge care doesn’t stop when you leave home. If you get sick or injured while you’re traveling, you can reach out to us to get the care you need. Dr. Klein and our team are available by phone and video chat. We can also recommend local concierge physicians if you need in-person care.

With concierge medicine care, you don’t have to deal with the frustration of traditional clinics. Book an appointment online or call our office to learn more about our concierge services at East Side Primary Medical Care.

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