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Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor

Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor

Your primary care provider is the manager of your health. They take care of your illnesses and injuries and general health and well-being. They also serve as your best resource when it comes to your personal health issues and requirements.

It’s good to ask questions when you see your doctor, but you may not know what to ask or feel like there isn’t time for questions during the appointment.

At East Side Primary Medical Care on New York City’s Upper East Side, we encourage questions. That’s why our experienced and compassionate physician, Dr. Daniel Klein, provides concierge primary care — a more personalized approach to care that gives you the ability and time to ask any and all questions.

Here, we want to share with you some questions you should ask your doctor — no matter what type of care you need or get.

Why do I need these tests?

Diagnostic tests give us valuable information about your health. They help us diagnose diseases and screen for health conditions before you have symptoms. 

If your health care provider recommends a specific test, you need to know why. They may perform a test to confirm or rule out a disease based on your symptoms or screen for a health condition because of your age and medical history.

Why do I need these treatments?

Your primary care provider manages your health, but you’re in charge. You need to know why you need specific treatments or medications. This way you can better understand your health condition and how the recommended treatment or medication might help.

You also need to know how long you need the treatment and what types of side effects to look out for. 

What can I do to protect my health?

Asking about what you can do to protect your health is the best way to prevent long-term health problems. 

At East Side Primary Medical Care, we want to do more than treat your illness, disease, or symptoms. We want to improve and promote your health, which is why we offer preventative healthcare services. 

Your health habits and lifestyle may increase or decrease your risk of developing a chronic health condition like diabetes or heart disease. 

What happens next?

Whether you’re coming in for your annual physical exam or for help with an auto accident injury, you need to know what happens next. We can create your personal care plan that focuses on helping you get well and stay well. 

Wellness is a journey that requires your active participation. It’s our job as your primary care provider to give you the support, guidance, and tools you need to stay on track, promoting health and preventing disease, so you can live a long, active, and fulfilling life.

Your doctor knows all there is to know about your health, serving as your best resource for all your health questions and concerns. Write your questions down so you can refer to them during your visit. All questions about your health are important.

Let us help you manage your health. Call our office or book an appointment online today. We also offer telemedicine visits.

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